Who doesn't like getting paid to work? Obviously, everyone. However, what if you could get college credits for doing that same job, as well as getting paid? Even better! Still, I always found it difficult to find an internship through the Writing Arts department because I always checked the notification board in the communications department for a Writing Arts internship, and they never had anything listed for us.
Apparently, though, there is a separate place for Writing Arts students to go in order to find internships. Not only can we find information on the College of Communication and Creative Arts page, but many Writing Arts professors are more than willing to provide students with information for internship opportunities. Professor Mangini has given us many different places to look for different opportunities. 
Just in case you might find that you don't feel like searching out these particular resources for information, I will provide links to various websites that provide internship possibilities. 

Rowan University's College of Communication and Creative Arts
Women in Progress: Writing/Journalism Internship Abroad
InternMatch: Writing Arts Internships
Philadelphia Magazine Internship Program

Good luck!

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    Jennifer Dulo. Senior Writing Arts and English major. Proud mother to a kitty named Murmur and a fish named Loki.